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Similarities and Differences Between Communicating through Technology and Communicating in Person
Here are some similarities and differences between communicating through technology and communicating in person.But with technology there can be consequences and some advantages.
Here are some similarities between communicating in person and communicating with technology. With communicating through technology you can be bullied just like you can be bullied in person. You can bully someone at recess. Let’s say you are on Facebook, you can be bullied in private chat or even local chat. You can be mistaken. like if someone is new to technology, they might not know lol,omg,u,r like any kind of slang language. Also if, someone does not speak your language they might have a hard time understanding you.
Here are some differences between communicating in person and communicating with technology. If you have a friend/family member that you have not seen in a long time and you want to see them. It would cost more a ton of money to see them in person than it would to just text, call or even facetime. If you are not careful you could get hit by a car or hurt horribly. But if you did not have technology, it would be a lot harder of getting ahold of someone.
I don’t know about you but I would rather be with a friend or family member face-to-face than on technology. Those were a few similarities and some differences between communicating through technology and communicating in person.
Mysterious Huge Box
It was Christmas morning
We had a lot of present
But no doubt they were for my little brother
But I did not care
Christmas was usual family showed up around 8:00 A.M
So I start sorting out presents for everyone
And I start opening a huge box
But my dad said open that one last
I said okay…….
So I was opening presents
But when I got to the huge box I got excited
My mind was zooming like a race car
So when I was ripped of the wrapping paper
I opened the huge box there was another box in that box
I was so confused
So I opened the next box and there was another one
And another one there was so many boxes on boxes
I was exhausted so when I got to the little box I opened it
And there it was a phone after all that work I got a phone
What I have been asking for since last year
After all that I just went to bed
Be Yourself Reflection “Out Of My Mind”
Melody sits outside looking around
People looking at her wierd
All she wants to be is normal
But she realize she is normal
An she also realize she the smartest one in her class
But her friends leave her behind
Because they thought they would look wierd on T.V
But I thought she would make the the team look good because she is so smart
I am blessed that I don’t have a disiblilty
Never juge a book by its cover
April 22,1970/Earth Day
E:Earth Day became recognized worldwide by 1990.
A:All people should celebrate Earth Day.
R:Real hero’s help the world.
T:The first ever Earth Day was celebrated on April 22,1970.
H:Help the world.
D:Do the right thing and pick up garbage on Earth Day.
A:And also on the very first Earth Day 20 million people gathered on the streets.
Y:You could make a difference.
Child Labor
I was surprised they would work little kids like that! I’m glad they made a law you can’t work until 16 years old. I don’t think its right to work little kids like that! Good thing that will never happen again. I would not say i was glad about learning this but it was very interesting. I just want to thank all my teachers for my education!