To be honest 6th grade is hard to some people, and you might think the teachers are mean. Well they are not, just listen and follow the rules. But if you just listen
and follow rules they won’t be hard on you or give you write ups/marks.
A little advice before you start this year is, don’t try and make everyone laugh and try and always be funny it won’t work. Also do your work if you don’t you will end up with zero’s and trust me they will give you zero’s and if you don’t do your work and you will never catch up with your assignments.
If-you don’t try and make everyone laugh all year you can concentrate about school and not “jokes”. So you won’t get sac and sac is “in school suspension” and all you do is work for days and nothing else. Personally, I have never had sac thankfully but I know a few people that have had it before and some say it is boring some say it is just straight awful. If you don’t goof off and try and be funny this year won’t be so bad.
If you actually do your work, listen and concentrate the work won’t be hard at all it actually is very easy. One thing I have to say is if you do your work the teachers won’t really dislike you for that reason. Trust me if you don’t listen to anything else I have to say listen to this. You need to study! Trust me on this one the first time I did not study it was an awful grade. But if-you just study for at least 10 minutes and you will actually make a good grade. Just remember the work can be easy or hard it is your decision?
I hope you take my advice but if you don’t well it’s your loss and all I have to say is good luck to you. But if you do listen it will be really easy for you this year.