Mysterious Huge Box

   It was Christmas morning

We had a lot of present

But no doubt they were for my little brother

But I did not care


Christmas was usual family showed up around 8:00 A.M

 So I start sorting out presents for everyone

 And I start opening a huge box

But my dad said open that one last

 I said okay…….  

So I was opening presents


But when I got to the huge box I got excited

My mind was zooming like a race car

So when I was ripped of the wrapping paper

I opened the huge box there was another box in that box

I was so confused

So I  opened the next box and there was another one

 And another one there was so many boxes on boxes

 I was exhausted so when I got to the little box I opened it

 And there it was a phone after all that work I got a phone

What I have been asking for since last year

 After all that I just went to bed

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