April 22,1970/Earth Day

E:Earth Day became recognized worldwide by 1990.

A:All people should celebrate Earth Day.

R:Real hero’s help the world.

T:The first ever Earth Day was celebrated on April 22,1970.

H:Help the world.


D:Do the right thing and pick up garbage on Earth Day.

A:And also on the very first Earth Day 20 million people gathered on the streets.

Y:You could make a difference.

I got this picture from www.50img.com

I got this picture from www.50img.com


Child Labor

I was surprised they would work little kids like that! I’m glad they made a law you can’t work until 16 years old. I don’t think its right to work little kids like that! Good thing that will never happen again. I would not say i was glad about learning this but it was very interesting. I just want to thank all my teachers for my education!